i've counted my costs.
weighed my options.
and i know it's worth it.
i juz came across this 8secs ago!! and counting! x)Some times its not easy... but its worth it in the end =)
would i consider last week a roller coaster week? maybe.
shifted into the new place. it's colder and i'm catching a cold soon i tink.
havent been having good sleep for the past week. waking up in wee hours of the night for no particular reason, and waking up earlier in the morning. broken sleep iz still not as good as a whole night straight through sleep til the morning. my health behaviour change iz being compromised!! haha x) oh well. but i guess it's worth it. better than staying under totally unliveable conditions.
went jogging finally on thursday morning after a longlonglong while. and age iz catching up on me i tink. i tink my right leg's muscle iz imbalancely toned. so it's straining at my knee and it doesnt really feel all that good. i'll need to change sport soon. like seriously soon.
i'm whaling :D
[sorry i couldnt resist it. haha whaleeeeeeee!!!]
i came across smth else too!! no link but oh well. worth quoting x)
Leadership is not a game. Leadership is not about fame. Leadership is a Name --- Jesus Christ.
no other name but the name of Jesusssss (:Labels: quotes :D
*throbs @14:39 <3
There .
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